How it all started!

Hi, I'm Ray, the creative mind and publisher behind Absent Minded Studios. My journey into the world of comics began with a deep appreciation for independent and small publisher stories. This passion for storytelling and the challenges I see other’s face getting my work published led me to want to establish my own publishing company, with the aim of providing a platform for other talented creators.

Although I've been writing seriously for just one year, my love for comics has been a lifelong affair. As a child, I enjoyed drawing comic strips and coming up with stories for fun, though life took me in different directions. Now, in my mid 30s, I've decided to nurture my creative side and bring my ideas to life.

My comics focus on themes of adventure, childhood imagination, and also horror – the latter being inspired by my early love for scary stories and classic horror shows like Creepshow and Tales from the Crypt. Growing up, I was a big fan of Spawn, the toys, and the animated series, which fueled my passion for the industry.

Todd McFarlane of course has always been my number one inspiration, along with many other talented creators in the comic book world. My experience in the industry began when I started selling comic book store variants with my father through our store, "Bombardier and Son." This venture introduced me to amazing artists and new friends, and allowed me to attend conventions and commission artwork. However, I soon realized that my true passion lay in creating my own stories and publishing them independently.

My long-term goal is for Absent Minded Studios to become a reputable publisher on Lunar and/or Diamond distribution, providing a trusted platform for creators to share their stories with the world. In the meantime, I'm committed to making a name for myself and the company within the industry, and making more friends along the way.

Outside of comics if you’re curious, I'm a big fan of horror movies and Marvel films, and outside the house lol- I enjoy snowboarding, traveling, attending conventions even as a customer, and gaming. My favorite game genres are horror and RPGs and games like Metal Gear(What Genre is that anyways?? Epic? :P). Join me on this exciting journey as I bring my own stories to life and help other creators find their voice in the world of comics!